You can make a big splash at PE1 this Recycle Week!
Join Peterborough One Retail Park (PE1 4YZ) for a FREE event* on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th September and meet a 50ft sperm whale, after which you can embark on an aquatic adventure with tales of sea creatures and their battle to survive in an ocean full of rubbish.
You’ll also be treated to some show-stopping performances from the Aquabatics with their series of aquabatic contortions as they cruise the currents.
PECT will also be at PE1 to talk to visitors about Cool Food and to sign people up to their commitments. Come and pledge to see how small changes to your food and shopping habits can collectively make a big change for the environment!
*Donations welcome, with all proceeds going to PECT.
- Nombre de personnes engagées :25
- Nombre de bénéficiaires :85
- Nombre d'engagements :61
- Total CO₂ potentiellement non émis :25,4 t.eq CO₂
- Total CO₂ non émis mesuré :169 kg.eq CO₂
- Total € potentiellement économisés :22 942 €
- Total € économisés mesurés :214 €
- Total £ potentiellement économisés :£ 20 432
- Total £ économisés mesurés :£ 190