Du 06/11/2019 à 00:00 au 06/11/2019 à 16:00 (terminé)
The Cornwall Food Foundation will be visiting the Cornwall Council team at New County Hall to talk to staff about the benefits of joining the Cool Food movement. Council staff will be encouraged to commit to making small changes in their diet which can make a big collective impact.
If we want to lower our carbon emissions, then food is an issue that we need to tackle. By making small changes to your shopping and eating habits, you could make a big impact on the planet.
Organisé par CFF
Truro, England, United Kingdom
- Nombre de personnes engagées :20
- Nombre de bénéficiaires :35
- Nombre d'engagements :79
- Total CO₂ potentiellement non émis :27,0 t.eq CO₂
- Total CO₂ non émis mesuré :38 kg.eq CO₂
- Total € potentiellement économisés :26 481 €
- Total € économisés mesurés :40 €
- Total £ potentiellement économisés :£ 23 591
- Total £ économisés mesurés :£ 36