Du 13/11/2019 à 11:00 au 13/11/2019 à 15:00 (terminé)
PECT will be attending the BGL Group offices, in Peterborough, to talk to staff about the Cool Food Challenge. The company is a leading digital distributor of insurance and household financial services
The world is heating up, and not in a good way. Cool Food helps to show how individual changes can make a big collective impact. We will be encouraging the team to pledge to make changes to their diet and food shopping habits to make a difference to the environment.
Organisé par PECT
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
- Nombre de personnes engagées :13
- Nombre de bénéficiaires :22
- Nombre d'engagements :32
- Total CO₂ potentiellement non émis :12,5 t.eq CO₂
- Total CO₂ non émis mesuré :0.eq CO₂
- Total € potentiellement économisés :9 842 €
- Total € économisés mesurés :0 €
- Total £ potentiellement économisés :£ 8 770
- Total £ économisés mesurés :£ 0